
The <AudioVisualizer> component is part of react-audio-visualizers-core package. It is responsible to place the visualizer rendering logic inside the canvas and mainly to take care of audio functionality through the Web Audio API, like loading the audio and interacting with it (e.g. play, pause, change volume, …).

import { AudioVisualizer, AudioVisualizerCommonProps } from 'react-audio-visualizers-core';

export const YourVisualizer = (commonProps: AudioVisualizerCommonProps) => (
    <AudioVisualizer {...commonProps}>
        <YourVisualizerRenderComponent />

Every prop (besides children) that <AudioVisualizer> receives is passed from the visualizer component, so every visualizer should accept them. These are referred as common props (AudioVisualizerCommonProps).

Here’s a list of common props:


The children is required and is a ReactElement that is passed as children to the Canvas component of react-three-fiber and it should contain the rendering logic of the visualizer besides being a component that react-three-fiber can handle.


The audio prop is required and can either be a JavaScript File, a string with a path/URL to the audio file or an ArrayBuffer with audio data.


The canvasProps is an object which type comes from react-three-fiber and provides properties and methods from HTMLCanvasElement.


A double value between 0 and 1 that averages the current buffer with the last buffer processed by the AnalyserNode. Check the offical documentation for more information.


Property from the AnalyserNode that represents the number of samples used to perform a Fast Fourier Transform. Check the offical documentation for more information.


A property from the GainNode that represents the amount of gain to apply. Check the offical documentation for more information.


A string that accepts a CSS color used in the play, pause and loader icons.


A boolean value to show/hide the icons for the main play/pause action.


A boolean value to show/hide the icon for the loader.


A string that accepts a CSS color used as background color of the canvas. It overwrites the background color specified in canvasProps.


A string that accepts an URL pointing to an image to use as background. It overwrites the backgroundColor.


A function that receives an object with play and pause properties, and has to return an object with id and node properties. The play and pause are the functions used to trigger the main action. The returned id should be the element id of a container to render the node. This is used to add your own UI to the play/pause main action by overwriting the default UI.

See an example bellow:

import { AudioVisualizer, AudioVisualizerCommonProps } from 'react-audio-visualizers-core';

const mainActionRender = ({ play, _ }) => ({
    id: 'mainActionContainer',
    node: <button onClick={play}>Play</button>,

export const YourVisualizer = (commonProps: AudioVisualizerCommonProps) => (
        <AudioVisualizer {...commonProps} mainActionRender={mainActionRender}>
            <YourVisualizerRenderComponent />
        <div id="mainActionContainer">


A function that receives an event of type AudioVisualizerEvents and a payload with information of the event. This is used to execute custom logic when an event occurs inside the audio visualizer.

See an example bellow:

import { AudioVisualizer, AudioVisualizerCommonProps, AudioVisualizerEvents } from 'react-audio-visualizers-core';

const onEvent = (event, payload) => {
    if (event === AudioVisualizerEvents.PLAYING) {
        console.log('The audio started playing!!');
    } else if (event === AudioVisualizerEvents.ERROR) {
        console.log('The following error occured:', payload);

export const YourVisualizer = (commonProps: AudioVisualizerCommonProps) => (
    <AudioVisualizer {...commonProps} onEvent={onEvent}>
        <YourVisualizerRenderComponent />